newtown feet
Speaking of relaxed - sort of like the way I'm keeping up my daily posting routine here and elsewhere - here's some feet; some very Newtown street feet

They're the feet of an artist - perhaps you'd like to ask the artist to remove them when he comes inside - ;) Of course i'm kidding...
And here's the artist himself, Scott the poet, whom King St regulars will recognise by his byline 'a few lines of poetry ... a small donation ' who has the courage, or some say, foolhardiness to put his work, and himself on display, on the line, braving the public's instant judgement

here is the broader scene, Martin Luther King's dream still resonates as it seemingly evaporates before us

Thanks to Jeff for the photo
An image of my painting of Scott will soon follow it into this blog as soon as I can find a digital camera for the project - any loans of equipment will be duely credited
For the moment ithe painting can be seen at Pink Shorts, a seaon of short plays associated with the Mardi Gras festival (not Short 'n' Sweet) at Newtown theatre(cnr Bray and King Sts) in Charles Freyberg's piece 'portraits'. It's worth seeing - most of the pieces are more adult in looking under the labels of whatever 'lifestyles' to see the persons wearing them, than maybe what i might have expected. Charles' 'portraits' gave me a few laughs with it's portrayal of a street artist who's just slightly out of tune with the times he finds himself attempting to illustrate, or illuminate, as he ruminates over a letter to the lover who long ago dumped him, but with whom he is still engaging in an interior dialogue, or rather monologue. Despite the apparent futility of the exercise, a kind of nobility is communicated, or expressed
an important announcement?
I'd like to bring this donate button to your attention. Donations will certainly assist me in telling the legend of Newtown in a way that does her justice.
so donate early and donate often