
Monday, March 27, 2006

Here's the flyer again

I'd like to thank the Gallery and Sydney council for giving me the chance to display these pictures . go to for the gallery and for the council itself

More images from around Newtown railway station

All these pictures

can be blown up by clicking on them. There not that large - about 50-70 k per image. To save a copy chose save page on the file menu in your browser

A denizen of one of those rooms in one of of those houses, and the bong. A man's word is his bong as they say

Don'tcha love Mark Latham

- here's another from the vaults - the buck's party the night before it all went so horribly wrong. One assumes that Clover Moore doesn't approve of buck's parties. The connection with Newtown,? I've heard he's been seen on King St, carrying on his life as an ordinary private citizen

Back to what we were really talking about:

It's only a few more weeks

until the exhibition opens...


getting excited?

What's Newtown to You?

If you have an idea, make a comment, or let me me know through email - -

A couple more drwings - believe me I have a lot of drawings of Newtown - The first is a view of Erskineville and Redfern from MacDonaldtowbn station platform

This is a back street in Newtown I think - I like the drawing anyway

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

an aside -or a sledge- I just couldn't help but include this image - since Newtown is the home of ratbaggery

Saturday, March 18, 2006

I went out to lunch with the family to lunch today - to 'Moda' @ westfield Bondage Junction "restaurant precinct" (should i


italise that to doff my


to one of our society's fundamental institutions? -the doing lunch place, in the WESTFIELD place:: ~newtown() survives... thrives... without a monopoly landlord . Frank Sartor may like the certainty that comes of having Wetfield as one's only retail "partner" but look how he's killing oxford st and Kings X, closing all the footpsths and destroying all the businesses without corporate style backing as he attempts to funnel everyone into a private toolway, Have Frankie-boy tool you before a cathartic cleansing executed by the frankly exciting Morris -Enematic- Enema.

And have everywhere you ever go look like Westfield - or AUSSIE stadium, with pyjama clad members of fascist youth groups whereever you go, or imagine going, oicking at every orifice, at every sorry entrance -aUSSIE aUSSIE aUSSIE...

Newtown, has no Westfield, or aUUSSIIEE stadia, which is how I and many others like it - diverse and for the most part tolerant. At least in Newtown i feel that there is some hope the consumerist plague will not turn everyone into helpless morons whos purpose is to generate fat prophets for the makers of their minds in Mosman and Zurich amnd Washington and Cherrybrook and News Limited - so aptly named (Turds you'll LOVE to eat would be even better)

Anyway I was reminded by Wie-Tat of the Miss Havisham of Newtown, left waiting on her wedding day, and waiting forlornly ever after, appareently or reputedly the inspiration for Great Expectations. If anyone knows more about this or other Newtown stories

please let me know

my email is

John O'Driscoll

Thursday, March 16, 2006

And a few more paintings




of I have a DreamSquare

It won't be out of place if I ask for a

small donation


The other cemetery picture. The final home of many shipwrecked travellers, and a haven for the living

this is the cemetery from the outside - although the park was also in the cemetery once

I've got a few photos now,- I'll put them up as I prepare them

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

OK, this is it

here's a flyer with the definitive






on it.

how fuss-fuss-fussy is that?

thanks to everyone at Pine St Community Arts Centre

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

and some more collaged reality


This is Rip playing at gunpoint

and some more collaged reality. King Street with the idea of Irawq

I'm still doing portraits, if anyone wishes to have an
image of themself

Any contribution to the exhibition helps enormously. Thanks to anyone who has contributed

I've got a large sequence of drawings and collages from the streets of Newtown on some discs. Here are the first few.


(Ihope I remember the name right)

I know I've got a few drawings of the cemetery on a disc somewhere. Tomorrow , finally, I can borrow a camera briefly, so, I'll put up the paintings as they are at the moment

Thursday, March 09, 2006

a wider flyer

this one's a better shape for a screen at least,but it doesn't do anything

email me at

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

newtown newtown newtown

Not having a few photos of the paintings is getting a bit frustrating.

tomorrow hopefully

anyway here's a flyer - a print version, a webbier one soon-

The show opens on May 3

I hope you all will come along